Evidence Field Manual

Quick Reference Handbook

New Jersey State Police, Investigations Branch, Office of Forensic Sciences

   See also the instructional videos on "Evidence Collection"


This quick reference handbook has been written by personnel from the Office of Forensic Sciences of the New Jersey State Police to offer guidelines for collecting, preserving and submitting physical evidence to the laboratory for examination.

The importance of physical evidence in a case cannot be underestimated. The credibility and integrity of the evidence are directly predicated upon the proper handling of the evidence from its initial observance through presentation in court.

The evidence procedures in this quick reference handbook have been developed for the purpose of providing the investigator with a working knowledge of physical evidence handling. As such, this manual should be considered as a guideline of procedures relative to the handling of physical evidence.

It is not feasible to outline procedures for every scenario involving physical evidence. Specific information relating to the handling of evidence should be directed to the laboratory serving the submitting agency.

The evidence submitted to the laboratory will be examined in accordance with established laboratory capabilities and procedures by employing appropriate methods developed by the laboratory, other reputable organizations, or documented in published journals, scientific texts, or as specified by the manufacturer of equipment, and subjected to validation and/or performance check testing. The number of items analyzed and the location of the laboratory performing necessary analyses will be at the discretion of the Office of Forensic Sciences (OFS). This may include, when necessary, the subcontracting of evidence for analysis by OFS-approved external vendors.

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