Employment Opportunity

Supervising Forensic Scientist (Biology)

Rhode Island Health Laboratories & Medical Examiner, Providence, Rhode Island

Salary: $81,082.00 - $91,504.00 Annually

Final Filing Date: July 7, 2024

To be responsible for the supervision and operation of a forensic laboratory within the field of specialization indicated by the title within the group; to perform the most highly complex tests within the assigned laboratory including the operation, effective utilization and adjustment of instruments and equipment; and to do related work as required.

Duties and Requirements Click to read more

Illustrative Examples of Work Performed

To be responsible for the supervision and operation of a forensic laboratory within the field of specialization indicated by the title within the group: Biology - the systematic analysis and interpretation of sexual assault evidence including body fluids and stains; DNA profiling, and other forensic biology examinations as required; or, Toxicology - the analysis of post-mortem biological specimens for drugs and poisons contributing to cause of death; analysis of biological specimens for levels of alcohol and drugs capable of impairing motor vehicle operation; and other forensic toxicological examinations as required; or, Chemistry - the identification of drugs and chemical contraband in confiscated pills, powders, paraphernalia, pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages and other specimens as required. As it applies to all classes: To perform the most complex test within the assigned laboratory including the operation, effective utilization and adjustment of instruments and equipment To evaluate the activity of an assigned laboratory in the area of specialization, as well as the performance of laboratory staff and to submit such evaluations and recommendations to a superior to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of such a laboratory and ensure conformity with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. To be responsible for conducting quality control programs in support of laboratory evaluations including licensure programs. To organize and participate in a program of quality assessment and improvement within the laboratory. To assist in establishing procedures and to monitor and enforce compliance with regulations, policies, and procedures relating to laboratory safety. To develop and implement an effective personnel training program in the forensic area of specialization. To plan, direct and/or conduct original research projects in the laboratory relevant to the field of specialization; and, as required, participate in various research projects including those sponsored by the federal government, independent agencies and national health organizations. To prepare and present scientific papers and lectures. To prepare periodic and special narrative and statistical reports. To appear in court or at hearings as an expert witness. To provide technical assistance to attorneys, medical examiners, and law enforcement personnel to explain the capabilities and limitations of scientific analyses. To be responsible for ensuring and maintaining a secure chain of custody of evidence. To perform technical and administrative reviews of analytical reports. To do related work as required.

 Earn a Degree in Crime Scene Investigation, Forensic Science, Computer Forensics or Forensic Psychology


  • A thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of the field of specialization indicated by the title within the group and the ability to apply such knowledge in the supervision and operation of a forensic laboratory engaged in the performance of a wide variety of laboratory analyses; a thorough knowledge of currently accepted laboratory methods and the ability to apply such knowledge in the instruction of laboratory staff, in providing in-service training, and in developing new or improving existing laboratory methods; a working knowledge of all state and federal laws, rules and regulations affecting the operation of work output of forensic laboratory within the assigned field of specialization; the ability to assign, supervise and review the work of a subordinate laboratory staff; the ability to plan, direct and participate in a variety of research activities relevant to the assigned field of specialization; the ability to prepare and present scientific papers and lectures; the ability to analyze and interpret laboratory findings and to present conclusions and recommendations through the submission of narrative and statistical reports to a superior, the medical profession or other laboratories and clinics; the ability to present expert testimony in court or at hearings relative to the field of specialization; and related capacities and abilities.
  • Education: Such as may have been gained through: possession of a Master's Degree in one of the sciences relative to the field of specialization indicated by the title within the group; and Experience: Such as may have been gained through: employment in a professional forensic laboratory position at a supervisory level involving the responsibility for the supervision and operation of such a laboratory in the field of specialization indicated by the title within the group. Or, any combination of education and experience that shall be substantially equivalent to the above education and experience.
Supplemental Information
  • The Supervising Forensic Scientist, Biology will be responsible for supervision and oversight of the Forensic Biology/DNA laboratory. This position also serves as the DNA Technical Leader as defined by the FBI Quality Assurance Standards for the casework and database labs. Applicants are strongly encouraged to have completed the mandatory college courses required by the FBI Quality Assurance Standards for a Forensic DNA Technical Leader including Molecular Biology, Genetics, Statistics and Biochemistry. The preferred applicant will also have at least three years of human forensic DNA experience. and possess a Master’s Degree in a biology, chemistry or forensic science related area.

Do you have the Education Required? See available on-line and campus-based degree programs now!

How to apply: Apply online

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Posted: June 28, 2024

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