Smartphone Technology for Capturing Untreated Latent Fingerprints Feasibility Research

Tony Warren

   See also the instructional videos on "Locating and Collecting Fingerprints"


In support of the FY11 Applied Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes, the objective of the research is to determine the feasibility of using digital images of untreated latent fingerprints for identification purposes to support the original proposal of creating a portable handheld imaging device for latent fingerprints. Our methodology is to collect latent fingerprints images using common, commercially available hardware and then have those images independently evaluated to determine the validity of our approach.

Our collection methodology used photographic techniques, spectral filters, imaging devices, and various illumination sources. The research focused on two key factors:

  1. The best method and tools to reliably capture useful images.

  2. Whether the captured latent prints were identifiable by a latent print examiner (LPE) or Cogent’s Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).

We developed a methodology to capture untreated latent fingerprints from specific substrates at a quality-level similar to dusted latent fingerprints and established confidence that these images can be used by an AFIS or a latent print examiner for identification purposes.

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