When on call — check that all gear is in the kits and it is working properly!
Remember you are part of a team so ensure you integrate with it effectively. Other team members could include:
If forensic personnel are in attendance — report to their senior officer and follow his directions at all times.
If they are on their way — wait for their arrival unless common sense and circumstances dictate earlier action.
Unless the scene is still being created, e.g. fire burning, offense still in progress, etc. DO NOT just take out camera and start shooting.
Plan the approach
Watch for and take care not to disturb:
Always use the agreed safety route into and out of the scene.
Do not be sidetracked into other tasks by investigators without first consulting with the Forensic team O.I.C..
Unless urgent finish off your systematic evidence gathering run before being diverted to other tasks. This includes the note taking process.
You are a professional — people come to you because you can do the job better than them. Ensure your techniques demonstrate this superiority otherwise it won't be long before they do the job for themselves.
Let technique master technology — don't let technology become your master. The best equipment in the world will never replace creativity and reasoning.
Article submitted by the author
Article posted July 30, 2001